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The Power of Human Potential
What children can do that adults cannot
"How to unlock the human's potential that people are born with."
The book addresses this key question with practical and verifiable method. A definitive edition of "Ushiro Theory."
"Unlocking human's potential" is a common theme and many books provide the "How to." The key difference of this book is to provide with practical methods that unlock the potential by first showing what it is, explaining why people are unable to unlock it, and addressing the main cause and the necessity of "Unified body" as the enabler.
This book is an edited summary of three books by Kenji Ushiro, "Humans are born complete," "Living Humbly" and "Children Can Do What Adults Cannot" with focus in unlocking human's potential. The book is in English and Japanese for a global audience.

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The essential truth shown by tulip bulbs
Human beings are born complete
Science lags in explaining the unknown
Two scientific perspectives
The unknown 95% of the universe
37 trillion human cells acting as antennae to receive the universe’s message
The true human form is unified
Recovering Ki energy
Ki is time
Happiness is hidden in the energy of Ki
The Ki flow energy shown in a 3-year-old child
The causes of our lowered abilities
Giving the proper answer makes the body strong
Muscles training weakens the body
Where is there meaning in muscle training and strength development?
Ki is what connects us to the earth
The mystery shown by the body’s unification
Living the life given to us without stopping time
How to regain Ki in the body?
A proper greeting makes the body strong
Becoming strong through proper table manners
One gets stronger when handling things properly
Seiza versus improper sitting
(A5 88 pages)

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